Accounts |
Double tap to add accounts, maximum 10 visible accounts |
Long-press 4 seconds to show or hide the total account balances |
Swipe actions let you hide, include in total, edit or delete accounts |
Account deletion can be undone within 4 seconds |
Hidden accounts can be restored from the settings section. |
Their balances are included in the total unless "include" is unchecked before hiding |
Accounts are arranged by date by default |
Accounts can be reordered as needed |
Sub-accounts |
Double tap to add sub-accounts, max 10 visible sub-accounts per account |
Swipe actions let you hide, include in total, edit or delete sub-accounts |
Sub-account deletion can be undone within 4 seconds |
Sub-accounts are arranged by creation date by default |
Sub-account can be reorder as needed |
Transactions |
Add, edit and delete transactions with ease |
By default, transactions are arranged by amount |
Transactions can be sorted by date |
Add short notes and unlimited detailed text to transactions |
Tapping the center opens the transaction details view |
The free version allows maximum of 4 transactions |
Yearly subscription includes unlimited transactions |
Support for English, Armenian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and German languages |
Settings |
Face ID enhances privacy |
CloudKit is enabled for convenient backup |
Dark mode enhances user experience |
No Registration is required |
All data is kept on your device and in iCloud |